Jokowi: Saya Setuju Gubernur Jakarta Dipilih Langsung

Jokowi Saya Setuju Gubernur Jakarta Dipilih Langsung

Jokowi: Saya Setuju Gubernur Jakarta Dipilih Langsung

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, recently made a significant statement regarding the election of the Jakarta governor. Jokowi expressed his support for the direct election of the Jakarta governor, a move that could have far-reaching implications for the political landscape of the capital city. In this article, we will delve into the context, benefits, and challenges of Jokowi’s stance on this issue.

Understanding the Direct Election of Jakarta’s Governor

The direct election of the Jakarta governor has been a topic of debate in Indonesia for some time. Currently, the governor of Jakarta is elected by the Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPRD), which consists of elected members. This indirect method of selecting the governor has been criticized by some as lacking in transparency and accountability.

Jokowi’s Perspective on Direct Election

Jokowi, who previously served as the governor of Jakarta, has now voiced his support for the direct election of the Jakarta governor. In his statement, Jokowi emphasized the importance of giving the people of Jakarta a direct say in choosing their leader. He believes that this would enhance the democratic process and strengthen the connection between the governor and the citizens.

Benefits of Direct Election for Jakarta’s Governor

Jokowi’s support for the direct election of the Jakarta governor is based on several potential benefits. Firstly, it would provide the people of Jakarta with a more direct and influential role in selecting their political leader. This could lead to increased civic engagement and a stronger sense of ownership over the city’s governance. Secondly, a directly elected governor may be more accountable to the people, as they would be responsible for their actions and decisions directly to the electorate.

Challenges and Criticisms of Direct Election

While Jokowi’s stance on the direct election of the Jakarta governor has been welcomed by many, it has also faced some criticism and challenges. Some argue that the indirect election method, where the governor is chosen by the DPRD, ensures a more stable and experienced leadership. They fear that a direct election could lead to increased polarization and political instability. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for money politics and the influence of special interests in a direct election.

The Impact of Jokowi’s Support for Direct Election

Jokowi’s support for the direct election of the Jakarta governor is significant, as he is the country’s president and a influential political figure. His endorsement of this issue could sway public opinion and potentially lead to changes in the legislative process. However, it remains to be seen how this proposal will be received by the various political factions and whether it will gain enough traction to be implemented.

Public Opinion on Direct Election in Jakarta

The public’s stance on the direct election of the Jakarta governor is an important factor to consider. Recent surveys and polls suggest that there is a growing sentiment among the people of Jakarta in favor of a direct election. Many believe that this would provide them with a stronger voice in the city’s governance and increase the accountability of the governor.

Other Political Figures’ Views on Direct Election

Jokowi’s statement on the direct election of the Jakarta governor has sparked a wider discussion among other political figures in Indonesia. Some have expressed support for the idea, while others have raised concerns about the potential challenges and consequences. It will be crucial to understand the various perspectives and how they might shape the ongoing debate on this issue.


Jokowi’s support for the direct election of the Jakarta governor is a significant development in the political landscape of Indonesia. It reflects a desire to strengthen the democratic process and give the people of Jakarta a more direct say in the selection of their leader. While there are challenges and criticisms to be addressed, Jokowi’s stance has the potential to reshape the way the capital city’s governance is perceived and conducted.

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